
1. is.
Boyama özelliği olan madde, boyar madde

Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde yeşile bu kadar yaraşan bir mavi bulunmaz. Toprak boyarlarla, en ucuzundan bir mavi.

- B. R. Eyuboğlu
Birleşik Sözler
2. is., tar., Rus.
Tuna bölgesinde, Transilvanya'da, Rusya'da soylulara verilen unvan

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • boyar — Se conjuga como: amar Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: boyar boyando boyado     Indicativo   presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. boyo boyas boya boyamos boyáis boyan boyaba… …   Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary

  • Boyar — Bo*yar , Boyard Bo*yard , n. [Russ. boi[ a]rin .] A member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great. Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania. [1913 Webster] Note: English writers sometimes call Russian landed proprietors… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • boyar — 1590s, member of a Russian aristocratic class (abolished by Peter the Great), from Rus. boyarin, perhaps from boji struggle, or from O.Slav. root bol great …   Etymology dictionary

  • boyar — (De boya1). intr. Mar. Dicho de una embarcación: Volver a flotar después de haber estado en seco …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • boyar — [bō yärd′, boi′ərdbō yär′, boi′ər] n. [Russ boyarin, pl. boyare, grandee < boj, battle < IE base * bhei , to strike] Historical 1. a member of the privileged aristocracy in czarist Russia, ranking just below the ruling princes: the rank was …   English World dictionary

  • Boyar — This article refers to the aristocratic title of boyar . For the Boyar caste of India, see Boyar (caste). A boyar or bolyar ( bg. боляр or болярин, uk. буй or боярин, ru. боярин, ro. boier) was a member of the highest rank of the feudal Moscovian …   Wikipedia

  • boyar — boyarism, boyardism, n. /boh yahr , boy euhr/, n. 1. Russian Hist. a member of the old nobility of Russia, before Peter the Great made rank dependent on state service. 2. a member of a former privileged class in Rumania. Also, boyard /boh yahrd …   Universalium

  • boyar — ► verbo intransitivo 1 NÁUTICA Volver a flotar un barco que ha estado en tierra. 2 América Flotar, mantenerse a flote. * * * boyar (de «boya2») intr. Mar. Volver a flotar la embarcación que ha estado en seco. ≃ Aboyar. * * * boyar. (De …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • boyar — noun /ˈbɔɪɑː,ˈbəʊjɑː,bəʊˈjɑː/ A rank of aristocracy (second only to princes) in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania. Boris had abdicated in 889, leaving the throne [of Bulgaria] to his son Vladimir, who had immediately identified himself with the boyar… …   Wiktionary

  • BOYAR, LOUIS H. — BOYAR, LOUIS H. (1898–1976), U.S. real estate developer and philanthropist. Boyar, born in San Francisco, resided in Los Angeles from 1934. He was a pioneer of large scale home building and community planning in Los Angeles after World War II.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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