
is., -ğı, hlk.
1) Çizgi
2) İz

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • çizik — is., ği 1) Çizgi 2) Sıyrık, çizgi biçiminde yara Şapkası ezilmiş, ceketi yakasından ta omuzuna kadar yırtılmış, yüzü gözü çizikler, çürükler içinde... Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu 3) sf. Çizilmiş …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • cızık — çizgi …   Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler

  • Richard Cizik — was the Vice President for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and one of the most prominent Evangelical lobbyists in the United States.[1][2] In his position with the NAE, Cizik s primary responsibilities were… …   Wikipedia

  • National Association of Evangelicals — NAE Logo The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is a fellowship of member denominations, churches, organizations, and individuals. Its goal is to honor God by connecting and representing evangelicals in the United States. Today it works… …   Wikipedia

  • James Dobson — For other people named Jim Dobson, see Jim Dobson (disambiguation). James Dobson Born April 21, 1936 (1936 04 21) (age 75) Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S …   Wikipedia

  • Evangelical environmentalism — is an environmental movement in the United States in which some Evangelicals have emphasized biblical mandates concerning humanity s role as steward and subsequent responsibility for the caretaking of Creation. While the movement has focused on… …   Wikipedia

  • New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good — Website The New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good (NEP) is a faith based nonprofit group that offers a re …   Wikipedia

  • чиж — род. п. а, укр. чиж, сербохорв. чѝжак, род. п. чѝшка, словен. čȋžǝk, чеш. čiž, čižek, польск. сzуż, в. луж. čižik, н. луж. суž. Ср. в. н. zîsе чиж , нов. в. н. Zeisig – то же заимств. из слав.; см. Суолахти, Vogeln. 118. Звукоподражательное; …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Cooper Industries — plc Type Public (NYSE: CBE) Founded Mount Vernon, Ohio, US …   Wikipedia

  • Clayton M. Christensen — Born April 6, 1952 (1952 04 06) (age 59) Salt Lake City, Utah Nationality United States Alma mater Brigham Young University (B.A …   Wikipedia

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