
is., kim., Fr. phytine
Fitik asidin C6H6[OPO(OH)2]6, bir tuzu olan, fosforu tek mideliler tarafından değerlendirilemeyen organik bir bileşik

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • Fitin, Pavel Mikhailovich — (1907–1971)    Fitin was drafted into the NKVD’s foreign intelligence directorate in 1938, following the purge of the component. Within months of completing the Soviet Union’s first course for foreign intelligence officers, he was promoted to… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Pavel Fitin — Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin (ru: Павел Михайлович Фитин) (1907 Ozhogino, Kurgan Region, Soviet Union 24 December 1971) was director of Soviet intelligence during world war II, identified in the Venona cables under the code name Viktor. [ [http://www …   Wikipedia

  • Harry Magdoff and espionage — Several historians and researchers have come to the conclusion that Harry Magdoff was among a number of persons inside the U.S. government used as information sources by Soviet intelligence. Contents 1 Investigation 2 Decrypted cables 3 Moscow… …   Wikipedia

  • Harold Glasser — For others see Harold Glasser (disambiguation) Harold Glasser (November 24, 1905 ?), was an economist in the United States Department of the Treasury and spokesman on the affairs of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration… …   Wikipedia

  • First Chief Directorate — The First Chief Directorate (Russian: Первое Главное Управление) (or PGU) of the Committee for State Security (KGB), was the organization responsible for foreign operations and intelligence collection activities by the training and management of… …   Wikipedia

  • Barbarossa —    Operation Barbarossa was Adolf Hitler’s plan for the invasion of the Soviet Union. From the inception of planning in late 1940, Joseph Stalin received and ignored good intelligence of Hitler’s intentions. In early 1941, Stalin received… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Venona Code Names and Encryption — The NKVD rezidenturas in New York, Washington, and San Francisco used code names to refer to case officers, agents, places, targets, and even personnel in Moscow. For example, a cable from the Washington rezidentura to Foreign Intelligence chief… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Soviet atomic bomb project — The fathers of the Soviet nuclear program, Dr. Andrei Sakharov (left) with Dr. Igor Kurchatov (right) …   Wikipedia

  • Main Directorate of State Security — The Main Directorate of State Security (Russian: Glavnoe Upravlenie Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti, Главное управление государственной безопасности, ГУГБ, GUGB) was the name of the Soviet secret police from July 1934 to April 1943. It was run under …   Wikipedia

  • Laurence Duggan — (1905 ndash;December 20, 1948), was head of the South American desk at the United States Department of State during World War II. In 1948, Duggan fell to his death from the window of his office in New York, ten days after being questioned by the… …   Wikipedia

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