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Zamanla nasıl değişiyor insan / Hangi resmime baksam ben değilim.

- C. S. Tarancı
Birleşik Sözler
Atasözü, Deyim ve Birleşik Fiiller

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • Hāngi — (pronounced /hɑːŋi/) is an ancient New Zealand Māori method of cooking food using super heated rocks buried in the ground in a pit oven. Modernised hangi methods are still used today and are often saved for special occasions due to the large… …   Wikipedia

  • Hāngi — ist ein Wort aus der Sprache der Māori Neuseelands. Es beschreibt eine traditionelle Art und Weise des Kochens. Es wird dabei ein Loch in den Boden gegraben, in das heiße Steine gegeben werden, auf diese werden in großen Blättern eingewickelte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hangi — Hāngi ist ein Wort aus der Sprache der Māori Neuseelands. Es beschreibt eine traditionelle Art und Weise des Kochens. Es wird dabei ein Loch in den Boden gegraben, in das heiße Steine gegeben werden. Anschließend werden in Blätter eingewickelte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hāngi — Preparando un hāngi. Cena hāngi. Hāngi …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hangi Binini — Janvier Hangi Binini est un homme politique de la République démocratique du Congo. Il est originaire de la province du Nord Kivu. En février 2007, il est nommé vice ministre aux Finances dans le gouvernement Gizenga. Avant sa nomination il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hangi biri — zm. Çok olanlardan hangisi Hangi birini sayayım? …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • hangi dağda kurt öldü? — birisinden beklenmeyen bir davranış görüldüğünde şaşma ve sitem bildirmek için kullanılan bir söz Hangi dağda kurt öldü de sen beni aradın? …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • hangi — [ haŋi, hα:ŋi] noun NZ a pit in which food is cooked on heated stones. ↘a meal or gathering at which food is cooked in such a way. Origin from Maori …   English new terms dictionary

  • hangi — /ˈhʌŋi / (say hungee) noun 1. a Maori oven in which food is steamed over hot stones in the ground; umu. 2. food prepared in this manner. 3. a feast at which such food is served. {Maori} …  

  • hangi — ˈhäŋē noun ( s) Etymology: Maori : an underground oven used by the Maoris that consists of a pit in which stones are heated, wrapped food is placed on stones, and branches, wet sacks, and earth are used to cover the stones and food …   Useful english dictionary

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