
is., Fr. conseil
1) Yönetim görevi yüklenmiş kimselerden oluşan topluluk
2) Bazı sorunları görüşüp tartışmak için toplanan meclis

Millî Güvenlik Konseyi. Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi.

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • conseil de famille — /konsey da famiy/ In French law, a family council. Certain acts require the sanction of this body. For example, a guardian can neither accept nor reject an inheritance to which the minor has succeeded without its authority (Code Nap. 461); nor… …   Black's law dictionary

  • conseil de prud'hommes — /konsey da pruwdom/ In French law, one of a species of trade tribunals, charged with settling differences between masters and workmen. They endeavor, in the first instance, to conciliate the parties. In default, they adjudicate upon the questions …   Black's law dictionary

  • conseil d'etat — /konsey deyta/ Council of state. One of the oldest of French institutions, its origin dating back to 1302. It decides or advises upon state questions and measures proposed for legislation, submitted to it by the President of the Republic, by the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • conseil judiciaire — /konsey zhudis(i)yer/ In French law, when a person has been subjected to an interdiction on the ground of his insane extravagance, but the interdiction is not absolute, but limited only, the court of first instance, which grants the interdiction …   Black's law dictionary

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