Lule — may refer to:* an alternate spelling of Luleå, a town in Sweden * Lule River in Sweden * Lule Sami is a Sami language spoken in Sweden and Norway * Lule language of northern Argentina * Yusuf Lule, former president of Uganda … Wikipedia
Lule — steht für: den Kopf einer türkischen Tabakspfeife, siehe Tschibuk einen albanischen weiblichen Vornamen eine argentinische Sprache, siehe Lule Vilela einen Fluss in Nordschweden, siehe Lule älv Lule ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Yusuf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lule — Lule, Lulz Población total extintos Idioma Lule Tonocoté Etnias relacionadas tonocotés, vilelas … Wikipedia Español
lúle — m reg. onaj koji se odlikuje nerazumnim i neuravnoteženim postupcima, onaj koji je pomalo lud … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
lule — lúle m DEFINICIJA reg. onaj koji se odlikuje nerazumnim i neuravnoteženim postupcima, onaj koji je pomalo lud; lulina ONOMASTIKA pr. (nadimačko): Lúlić (1730, Gospić, Podravina, Dalmacija, Primorje, v. i Luka, lula) … Hrvatski jezični portal
lule — ˈlü(ˌ)lā noun (plural lule or lules) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a group of peoples of northern Argentina 2. : a member of any of the Lule peoples … Useful english dictionary
lûle — (F.) [ ﻪﻝﻮﻝ ] 1. boru. 2. lüle, kağıt külah … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü
lüle — (F.) [ ﻪﻝﻮﻝ ] 1. boru. 2. lüle, kağıt külah … Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü
LULE — f. Çeşme, musluk gibi şeylere takılan küçük boru. * Lüle. Halka gibi dürülmüş şey … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Lulé Indians — • A name which has given rise to considerable confusion and dispute in Argentine ethnology, owing to the fact, now established, that it was applied at different times to two very different peoples, neither of which now exists under that name,… … Catholic encyclopedia