- prosedür
- is., Fr. procédure
Bir amaca ulaşmak için tutulan yol ve yöntem
Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.
Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.
Acting Presidency of Suharto — The Acting Presidency of Suharto followed the Transition to the New Order in which General Suharto was the President albeit on an interim basis. The term lasted from 12th March 1967 until 27th March 1968 when Suharto was officially elected as… … Wikipedia
Kelly Kwalik — Kelly Kwalik, tué le 16 décembre 2009 à Gorong Gorong (un quartier de Timika) est un important dirigeant indépendantiste papou. Il était soupçonné par l’armée indonésienne d être le responsable d une série de fusillades survenues… … Wikipédia en Français