- tav
- is., Far. tāv
1) İşlenecek bir nesnede bulunması gereken ısının, nemin yeterli olması durumu2) Hayvanlarda besili olma durumu3) mec. En uygun durum ve zamanBirleşik Sözler- tavhane- alatavAtasözü, Deyim ve Birleşik Fiiller- <
Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.
Tav — can mean:* Taw (also written tav ), a letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets * Tav (number) (also written taw or taf ), the denotation of a specific transfinite numberTAV can mean:* TAV, an acronym for trans atmospheric vehicle , a class… … Wikipedia
Tav — (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Tav est une lettre de l alphabet hébreu. TAV est l acronyme de Treno ad Alta Velocità (train à grande vitesse en italien). TAV est l acronyme… … Wikipédia en Français
tav — [täf, täv] n. [Heb tāw] the twenty third letter of the Hebrew alphabet (ת) … English World dictionary
tav|er|na — «TAV uhr nuh», noun. (in Greece) a small, plain restaurant: »In Greece, for instance, many residents will tell you that you can find the best Greek cooking in the basement taverna of the Athens Hilton (Harper s). ╂[< New Greek tavérna] … Useful english dictionary
TAV — puede significar: Técnicos Andreu y Vila Tecnologías Audio Visuales Temporada Académica de Verano Tren de Alta Velocidad Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de … Wikipedia Español
tav. — tav. abbr. tavola … Dizionario italiano
tav — tȃv m DEFINICIJA 1. lingv. dvadeset i drugo (zadnje) slovo hebrejskog alfabeta 2. pov. u hebrejskom obilježavanju oznaka za broj 400 ETIMOLOGIJA hebr. tāw: znak, oznaka … Hrvatski jezični portal
tav — vb., præt. af tie … Dansk ordbog
TAV — (Taw; Heb. ת;תָּו), the twenty second and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet; its numerical value is 400. The basic pictographic shape of this letter consisted of two strokes crossing each other ! … Encyclopedia of Judaism
tav — pris·tav; tav·ern·er; tav·ern·less; tav·gi; tav·is·tock·ite; tav·ern; tav; … English syllables
TAV — Die Abkürzung TAV steht für: Technikbasiertes Abfertigungsverfahren Tendo Aikido Verband TAV Airports Holding, ein türkischer Flughafenbetreiber (u.a. Flughafen Istanbul und Ankara) TAV Construction, ein türkischer Baukonzern … Deutsch Wikipedia