Tekel — Tekel, (Turkish, literally single hand or monopoly ) is a nationalized Turkish company in 1925 from a French company, the Regie Compagnie interessee des tabacs de l empire Ottoman . Tekel evolved into the sole manufacturer and distributor of all… … Wikipedia
Tekel — puede referirse a: El perro tejón alemán o Dachshund, más conocido por perro salchicha. El género botánico Libertia. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de … Wikipedia Español
tekel — ● teckel ou tekel nom masculin (allemand Teckel) Race allemande de chiens bassets, de petite taille, à poil dur ou long et dont les aptitudes à la chasse sont multiples … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tekel Birası — is a Turkish beer brand. Having first been brewed in Bomonti in 1890, it is known as the oldest brewery brand in the country.Tekel Birası was a state monopoly brand until 2004. Following the privatisation, the era of Tekel state monopoly has… … Wikipedia
tekel bayisi — is., esk. Tekel ürünlerini satan iş yeri … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
tekel maddesi — is., esk. Tekel ürünleri arasında satışa sunulmuş madde … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Tekel — Weighed (Dan. 5:27) … Easton's Bible Dictionary
tekel ürünleri — is., ç. Devlet tarafından üretimi yapılan içki, sigara vb. maddeler … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
MENE, MENE, TEKEL, U-FARSIN — MENE, MENE, TEKEL, U FARSIN, enigmatic inscription referred to in daniel 5:25, which appeared on a wall, written by a detached hand. The narrative in Daniel 5:1ff. relates that King belshazzar of Babylonia made a feast for 1,000 of his lords,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Mene mene tekel upharsin — L inscription sur le mur L inscription sur le mur , un idiotisme, est un présage de destin douloureux ou de malheur. Il est tiré du Livre de Daniel où un écrit surnaturel prédit la chute de Babylone. La version anglaise The writing on the wall… … Wikipédia en Français