ne haber?

ne haber?
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O, başkalarıyla geziyormuş, ne haber?

Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük. 2010.

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  • Haber — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Carl Haber (Ramsbeck) (1833–1914), deutscher Berg und Hüttenwerksdirektor Carl Haber (Kaufmann) (1842–1895), deutscher Kaufmann Eduard Haber (1866–1947), deutscher Diplomat Fritz Haber (1868–1934),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • haber — 1. Verbo irregular: v. conjugación modelo (→ apéndice 1, n.º 35). Cuando funciona como impersonal (→ 3b y 4), la tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo, en lugar de ha, adopta la forma especial hay (salvo en el uso con… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • haber — verbo auxiliar 1. Se usa en la conjugación verbal para formar los tiempos compuestos: He venido, había comido, habrá llegado. No creo que hayas pensado eso. verbo impersonal 1. Ocurrir [una cosa]: Hubo un accidente. Ha habido muchos problemas …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Haber — means to have... in Spanish as an auxiliary verb. For the conjugation, see the conjugation table.Haber can refer to: * The Haber process, the method of synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. * The Born Haber cycle, an approach to… …   Wikipedia

  • Haber's rule — is a mathematical statement of the relationship between the concentration of a poisonous gas and how long the gas must be breathed to produce death, or other toxic effect. The rule was formulated by German chemist Fritz Haber in the early… …   Wikipedia

  • HABER, FRITZ — (1868–1934), German physical chemist and Nobel laureate. Haber was born in Breslau, the son of a prosperous chemical and dye merchant and an alderman of the city. After a period in industry and business, he went in 1893 to the Technische… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • HABER, SAMUEL L. — HABER, SAMUEL L. (1903–1984), U.S. economist and organization executive. Haber, who was born in Harlau, Romania, was taken to the U.S. in 1911. He received a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin in 1924. He worked as a researcher on labor and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • HABER, WILLIAM — (1899–1988), economist and communal worker. Haber was born in Romania but immigrated to the U.S. in 1909. In 1937 he was appointed professor of economics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, was chairman of the Department of Economics in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Haber's Law — makes equivalent any two groupings of dose concentration and exposure time that have equivalent mathematical products. For instance, if we assign dose concentration the symbol C, and time the classic t, then for any two dose schema, if C1t1=C2t2 …   Wikipedia

  • haber gato encerrado — haber engaño; haber encubrimiento; disimularse asuntos importantes; haber trasfondo oculto; haber irregularidad bajo la apariencia de la normalidad; cf. movida, pantalla, marulla, venir con chanfle, gato encerrado; los políticos han prometido… …   Diccionario de chileno actual

  • Häber — ist der Nachname von: Herbert Häber (* 1930), deutscher Politiker, Mitglied des Politbüros des Zentralkomitees der SED Susanne Häber (* 1927), deutsche Politikerin (DBD) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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